As part of the modernization of the port of Port-la- Nouvelle, the Occitanie Region launched the rehabilitation of sections C and D of the East II quay. The aim was to secure 175 m of quay by restoring reception conditions, while increasing storage capacity on the rear platform to 15 t/m2. The consortium’s variant using a wall of grout-reinforced barrettes was particularly appealing.
The idea was to build a discontinuous structure behind the existing curtain wall, while maintaining the
anchors, in order to take up the thrust forces through the vault effect between the bars. The same consortium was then commissioned to build a 200 m long heavy-duty quay (quay no. 2) with an 11.50 m draught, earthworks and dredging.
Part of the quay was dimensioned at 30 t/m2 to support future offshore wind turbines. For this sensitive site, located on the edge of a channel linking the sea to a pond, our teams implemented numerous environmental measures (water and air quality controls, regular inventory of marine species).

Region Occitanie
Main contractor
Consortium Soletanche Bachy France/Buesa/Menard/VCMF/SDI/GTM